A list of some of my data science projects
Predicting Trailhead Parking Fullness at JeffCo Open Space Trailheads : Using a model to predict parking lot usage at Jefferson County Open Space trailheads in Colorado.
Journalists Under Fire : An analysis of global threats to journalists and press freedom.
Old Blog
- Check out some of the posts and projects on my older blog
Open Source Software Packages
rcoagmet : R API Wrapper for CoAgMet Weather Stations
rgridstatus : API Wrapper For GridStatus energy data
emberr : R API Wrapper For Ember Climate Data
Shiny Apps
Urban Heat Island Effect Explorer: A Shiny app to visualize data on the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect from a Climate Central analysis.
coagmet_explorer : A Shiny App to visualize weather data from the CoAgMet weather station network in Colorado. Uses the rcoagmet package I created to retrieve data from the CoAgMet API.
Golden Stream Gauge : A Shiny App that visualizes streamflow and snowpack conditions along Clear Creek in Golden, CO.
SevereWeatherMapper : A Shiny App that displays convective outlooks from the NOAA Storm Prediction Center on an interactive Leaflet map.